I have studied English for about 1 month in INTI.

I enjoyed my school life with my teachers and classmates.
I like my speaking class's teacher so much!!!Miss Grace

She is a young and active teacher.
We won't be bored in her class.
When the last lesson,she told us lots of things.
It's a meaningful lesson!!
World is beautiful,if you think positive!!
Why you guys always complain the LIFE is boring?
Life is not BORING,is you guys BORED with the life!!
It depend on you!!You can change it!!
If you think that's OK,then everything will be FINE!!
Why you guys always said LOVE is blind?
LOVE is not blind,is the person who fall in love is BLIND!!
How can we live without any problem??
nobody can live without problems.
That's lots of problems in our life,
We can't escape the problems.
Change what you can,accept what you cannot change!
We unable to change the LIFE.
But we able to change how to LIVE,
how we handle the problems.
What a meaningful lesson!!!
LIFE is not boring,is you guys BORED with your life!!
LOVE is not blind,is the person who fall in love is BLIND!!
Thank You so much,Miss Grace.
It has help me!!!
I will remember these words till I die!!!
I know that I need to deal with a variety of problems in future!!
Lots of problems are approaching to me.
I must be strong and happy!!
Life is so short,live with sad is wasting our LIFE!!
my IELTS test on 7 may,2011.
I realized that my Listening is terrible!!
I'm not sure wether I can pass my IELTS or not.
But I will spend the rest of the time to improve my Listening!!
The test is very important to me!!
I must go to Australia as soon as I can!!
School will begin in August,if I fail in the IELTS,
I will miss the August intake!!!!
Work Harder!!!!!!!!!!

I enjoyed my school life with my teachers and classmates.
I like my speaking class's teacher so much!!!Miss Grace
She is a young and active teacher.
We won't be bored in her class.
When the last lesson,she told us lots of things.
It's a meaningful lesson!!
World is beautiful,if you think positive!!
Why you guys always complain the LIFE is boring?
Life is not BORING,is you guys BORED with the life!!
It depend on you!!You can change it!!
If you think that's OK,then everything will be FINE!!
Why you guys always said LOVE is blind?
LOVE is not blind,is the person who fall in love is BLIND!!
How can we live without any problem??
nobody can live without problems.
That's lots of problems in our life,
We can't escape the problems.
Change what you can,accept what you cannot change!
We unable to change the LIFE.
But we able to change how to LIVE,
how we handle the problems.
What a meaningful lesson!!!
LIFE is not boring,is you guys BORED with your life!!
LOVE is not blind,is the person who fall in love is BLIND!!
Thank You so much,Miss Grace.
It has help me!!!
I will remember these words till I die!!!
I know that I need to deal with a variety of problems in future!!
Lots of problems are approaching to me.
I must be strong and happy!!
Life is so short,live with sad is wasting our LIFE!!
my IELTS test on 7 may,2011.
I realized that my Listening is terrible!!
I'm not sure wether I can pass my IELTS or not.
But I will spend the rest of the time to improve my Listening!!
The test is very important to me!!
I must go to Australia as soon as I can!!
School will begin in August,if I fail in the IELTS,
I will miss the August intake!!!!
Work Harder!!!!!!!!!!